My Tiny House Build(s)
So for those of you who know me, you know I'm pretty into tiny houses... some may say obsessed, even. That's probably fair. It all started over a decade ago when I was watching an episode of Oprah. They were interviewing people who lived in these tiny houses and I found it fascinating. Some day, I vowed to myself, I was going to build one of these.
At one point I got up the nerve to put my thoughts to paper and come up with some plans. They were pretty rough, but they were enough to get me started.
Fast forward to 2020 and there's a pandemic. I get put on temporary emergency leave and have nothing to do for a while. So, what better time than to build a tiny house? I went to Requarth lumber (the same company that the Wright Brothers went to in order to get their materials for their airplanes) and stocked up.
Up next - it was time to put it together. All in all it took me about a week. I started off with the foundation, then framed it out.
Up next was the roof. I kept it pretty simple and just used 2x4s for the ceiling. After that I put on some tar paper and asphalt shingles, started siding, and then added the door and window.
Finally, it was finished, and I couldn't have been prouder! Check out the inside too... this is where I have my office as I'm still working from home throughout the pandemic.
I'm in the process of having a friend help me with the solar panels. I also got a Mr. Heater propane heater for the place to keep me warm here during the winter. I'm looking forward to continuing to work out here when it gets cold out! Check it out on Amazon here:
Get yours now! |
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